Shaun Voller

Most people at some point in their life find themselves struggling to cope and needing to talk to someone who can help. Whatever it is that you find yourself struggling with, my job as a counsellor is to help you through. To help you find your way to cope and grow when you feel the most challenged and the most lost. I have many years of experience of helping people through these difficult times. I am a fully qualified integrative counsellor and can combine the skills of different models of counselling to help you understand your situation and to support you through it. I believe most of what is termed as mental illness has genuine tangible causes and not just a consequence of our genetics or biology. In my practice I offer a safe space for clients to explore their difficulties and to find their own solution. I'm known for my straightforward and honest way of talking and use very minimal therapeutic jargon. I believe I have developed a good understanding of human suffering and it's causes, both theoretically and through my own personal experience. This experience has helped me to form a common sense and extremely sensitive approach to counselling. Please feel free to call me if you would like to know more or to book a session.
Call or text me on 07786130342
I charge £45 per session (first session £25, I am available Mondays, Fridays and weekends in the West End of Glasgow